This Resilience unit is a crucial element for strengthening the core curriculum and ensuring our teenage students have a growth mindset and can bounce back from adversity so that they can succeed and reach their goals!
Product includes:
• 16 slides of resilience PowerPoint – fully structured so no prior experience is required to deliver it. The text is also editable for you to modify as needed!
• 9 pages of resilience Printables – graphic organizers go perfectly with the PowerPoint if you want your students to record their thoughts as you discuss. There is also a fun bonus homework included! They are in a PowerPoint format so they can easily be converted to Google Slides for paperless activities if preferred.
• 24 unique discussion cards to develop speaking and listening skills.
Your students will learn:
• how to define resilience
• how to analyse their own and others’ resilience
• where they might need to demonstrate resilience
• signs of high resilience
• signs of low resilience
• what can affect resilience
• self-awareness of their own resilience
• actionable steps to build resilience
? Click here to see more in the resilience preview
In order to ensure these important skills can be integrated into our busy timetables, this resource has been designed to make it as easy to deliver as possible! It includes a structured PowerPoint that guides the class through discussions about resilience and effective skills on how to bounce back from challenges. No prior knowledge or experience from you is required! On top of this, the PowerPoint text is editable so you can modify the content to suit your students’ needs, should you wish.
Also included are bonus graphic organizers which are supplementary to the PowerPoint: they work as a helpful tool for students to record their thoughts in an aesthetically pleasing way that can then be used for bulletin board displays etc. You will also find a set of discussion task cards to spark conversation and thoughts on resilience: these can be printed off for each group of students, or they can be used in whole class discussion – it is up to you!
So help build your students’ resilience and encourage them to be all that you know they can be!
Great for Character Education, Social Skills, Life skills and PSHCE (Physical, Social, Health, Citizenship Education) lessons.
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