Looking for virtual bulletin boards to display your students’ digital work? As classrooms move to digital, it makes sense to translate as many features of a classroom to online as possible: one of those being digital bulletin boards for your virtual classroom decor!
It can take weeks to put up physical display boards, but virtual displays can be constructed very quickly, especially if you have a ready-made kit like this one! These digital display boards are ready to go.
All you need to do is take screen shots of your students’ work, and paste them on the board. You then save the completed board as its own image and post it anywhere you like as an online classroom bulletin board, such as Google Classroom, or even your class website or blog.
What’s more, they are so easy to change up and replace, it’s effortless to keep things fresh. This set contains 10 different virtual classroom display boards, so you could change it up every month, or indeed, keep the same one all year long and just switch up the student work as and when you feel like it!
So celebrate your students’ work and build a virtual classroom community with these digital bulletin boards today.
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