A spelling bee resource pack of templates that you and your students will love. Make your spelling bee competitions stress free by getting your hands on these easy to use certificates and templates.
Product includes:
• Spelling bee certificates
• Attractive word list templates
• Student word practice guide/templates
The certificates include 1st place, runners up and participants so that everyone who took part in the competition gets a reward. They are very unique with adorable spelling bee clip art that students will love. These have been used even up to middle school ages and students still love them so they’re very versatile. Each certificate conveniently comes in both colour and black line, so if you need to save some ink, you can simply print the black line versions onto coloured card instead. Hey presto, budget friendly fun!
This is a PowerPoint document, so there are text boxes that you can edit with the names of your students, or you can print the certificates as they are and add a personal touch by writing them by hand. Both work wonders.
BONUS templates in this kit include a fun and attractive word list sheet where you can type the words students need to learn and print this off for them – this can be used over and over again for every spelling bee you do.
There are also adorable template sheets for students to practice their spellings on too – they should be encouraged to say the word out loud, spell it, then write it down to confirm and repeat that process in the same box as many times as they need to! Each box on the sheet can be dedicated to its own word. This method really helps many students ingrain words into their memory. Depending on the number of words you give your students to practice, they can have as many of these printable sheets as necessary.
So unlock your students’ incredible spelling skills with these templates, and reward them with these gorgeous, easy to use certificates and watch them buzz with delight as they spell every word right!
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