Social Media Praise Cards for teens: Includes Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Texting
These social media praise cards (in a fun cell phone style) are a great way for you to celebrate your students’ achievements in a fun and relatable way that they will think is so cool!
There are 4 types of cards which come in both lined and blank versions for your convenience. Simply print them onto card and write straight onto them. You could also edit them by overlaying a textbox and type straight onto the resource if you prefer. You can hand these straight to students or write their home addresses on the back and post them like a post card.
Product Includes:
Each card is half a letter size/A4 and comes with 2 on a page to save on printing costs for your class.
• Twitter is great for a short sentence on how great your student has done with some space for hashtag keywords too #HowCool!
• Facebook is fun for updating the ‘status’ on your students’ success with areas in which you specifically ‘liked’ about what they did using the thumbs up!
• Instagram is fun if you want to give a little sketch or photo to accompany your students’ successes!
• Texting is another great way to add a quick note on what your student has achieved that has made you so proud!
Your teenagers will think you are so awesome for writing them these praise cards and it will encourage positive behaviour in your lessons! They’re definitely cool enough to display in their lockers or on bulletin boards to remind them of their awesome achievements!
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