Character Education Morning Meeting Digital Whiteboard and Printable Journal freebie sample on RESILIENCE, ideal for social and emotional learning. This is 1 of a 10 part series that includes: resilience, courage, self-confidence, self-respect, tolerance, leadership, respect, empathy, honesty and compassion.
I’m so glad you are looking to teach Character Education! Character development and socio-emotional skills are the critical foundation needed for our students to succeed in school and in life. This Resilience Morning Meeting bundle is a powerful and easy way to help strengthen your core curriculum for a responsive classroom. It ensures your students get the opportunity to learn how to be resilient and never give up by repetition and deep discussion. They are ideal to use for home room, advisory periods or as bell ringers for the start of your lesson.
In order to ensure Character Education can be integrated into your busy timetable, this resource has been designed to make it as easy to deliver as possible! This sample contains both a structured printable journal and PowerPoint with 3 powerful quotes and 9 thought provoking writing / discussion prompts. No prior knowledge or experience from you is required to teach it. This resource includes both a sample of the PowerPoint and the Journal of the same quotes so you can display the quote on the board while students record their reflections in their journals. This allows for maximum impact and flexibility for you and your needs.
Sample includes:
• 4 pages of Resilience Morning Meeting Journal
• 3 slides of Resilience Morning Meeting PowerPoint
• Mindful Colouring page front cover for the journal
• 9 thought provoking writing / discussion prompts that go far beyond “what do you think this quote means” and instead encourage deep personal reflection on their own lives and the world.
• 3 powerfully themed quotes based solely on Resilience. That’s enough for every working day of the month, allowing you to do different Character themed months all year long if you get the whole set of 10.
So help build your students’ resilience in 5 minutes every day, and encourage them to be all that you know they can be!
Great for Character Education, Social Skills, Life skills and PSHCE (Physical, Social, Health, Citizenship Education) lessons.
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