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Popular Counties: Wordsearch Online Game


Are you looking for something fun to assign your students as a bit of an academic break while still being valuable and that can be completed online with no resources required whatsoever? Then look no further than these remote word search “web deck” online games –  this topic concentrates on keywords to do with popular countries!

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Are you looking for something fun to assign your students as a bit of an academic break while still being valuable and that can be completed online with no resources required whatsoever? Then look no further than these remote word search “web deck” online games –  this topic concentrates on keywords to do with popular countries!

This deck includes a bonus drag and drop activity for students to arrange the top 10 countries in order of popularity. This is also self assessing so students get immediate feedback on their answers.

They are completely remote and hosted online – simply give students the website and password and off they go. The game is so simple to use and provides immediate feedback for your students, as the correct answer is confirmed automatically.

Students can play the game as many times as they wish to try and beat their previous score and personal best time. What’s more, every time they replay, the words are in different positions, so every game play is unique!

This activity can be set as classwork, home work or remotely such as via distance learning. You can share the link and password with your students via a projector or on Google Classroom, for example. So easy and no resources required!

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