If you are now exploring the new world of distance learning, chances are you, your students and their parents are all in a bit of a panic right now as everything is so new!
At least you can have communication with your students via tools such as Google Classroom, but how are parents and guardians coping with this new home schooling life? You can control the environment in your own classroom, but you cannot control their study space or environment at home, so this is where you need some parental feedback.
Now the tables have turned, so it is important to reach out to parents and find out how they’re getting on and what they’re seeing at their end. You can’t see your students right now so it’s harder for you to gauge how they’re doing. Getting parental feedback is paramount to everyone’s success.
These Google forms will gain you valuable insight into a range of areas.
The forms included are:
• Initial Parental Information: gain an overview of what environment their child has for studying at home: in particular what kind of devices, internet access, and study space they have access to.
• Schedule Parental Information: gain an overall insight into how much support the parents are realistically able to offer at home, judgement free, and how much digital time they would prefer / are able to offer their child every day.
• Interim Parental Feedback: Find out how parents are coping with home schooling and how they feel their children are really doing. Get valuable feedback on specific lessons / activities / topics that are going well, and which are more challenging. With this form you will learn what is working best and gain an insight into what might help their distance learning experiences in the future.
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