Explore more of growth mindset mentality with these motivational, inspirational and relaxing zen doodle colouring pages: these are perfect back to school quotes all about success.
These positive and inspiring zen doodle colouring pages are a wonderfully motivating, encouraging and fun resource for your students, great for easing them back to school with the right mind set.
They also work great for morning work or early finishers.
The beginning of the year is a great time to get students motivated and ready for their missions ahead. You’d be amazed at the wonders it can do just by giving students some time to colour in these motivational thoughts – no matter what their age – it is something that is very therapeutic and inspiring.
There are 5 different colouring pages to choose from. Students can just shade in using whatever colours make them happy, but there is also white space available for students to add their own doodles too if they choose!
So get your students motivated and ready to take on new challenges this school year, by giving them the opportunity to just take time to settle in, get mentally pumped and enjoy themselves. Start the year as both you and your students mean to go on – relaxed, motivated and enthusiastic!
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