Need some fresh, new end of year awards certificates to celebrate the individuality and success of your young and teenage students? Get hold of these End Of Year Certificate Awards for Teens: Emoji Style!
These certificates are funky and edgy with some cool teen clip art images with a fun emoji theme that your students will really relate to and think you’re the coolest ever (even though we know you already are!)
These come in both colour and black line with 30 different certificates to choose from! They can be used over again for almost any grade and any subject, and have a wide range of awards so every student can be celebrated for their uniqueness.
I hope your students enjoy these fun and edgy certificates to wrap up the end of the year using the oh-so-popular emoji theme! Be sure to check out the End Of Year Activities For Teens too, to give your students something fun to do in the final few weeks of school.
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