This is a free worksheet and PowerPoint that guides your students to draw a cartoon character’s head and face.
The full pack offers a huge variety of options for students to create their own characters and it comes with both a printable workbook and PowerPoint, so you can go through it together as a class or students can work independently.
So many students have a fear of drawing because they think they’re not good at it. But like many other things, it’s a skill that they can learn. Being able to draw cartoon characters is a fantastic tool to have as you can bring creativity into a range of your lessons, for example:
• Expressing mood in reading and writing activities
• Illustrations with story writing
• ‘Feelings’ topics in foreign languages
• Creation stations
• Test prep down time
• Flip books
• Early finishers
• Design activities
• Art Integration
With the full resource, you can teach your students how to draw cartoon faces, even if you have no idea yourself! You have a PowerPoint and workbook for your students that guides you step by step how to draw your character, with lots of opportunities for extension work in adding features and even emotions.
So if you’re looking for some fun art integration opportunities in your lessons, or just want to take some creative time out for your students to have fun doodling, whip out this resource and watch your students have oodles of doodles of fun!
Not to mention, you can always use it to celebrate National Cartoonists Day on May 5th every year 😉 Have fun doodling!
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